Wednesday 24 August 2011

Game SOng~ PsOne

hmm,,, i always remember when i was lil my bro used to play psone games,,, hehe, kinda old console compare to what we have these days..anyway the games are the most fantastic and it give the sweet memory after playing i like the song from the game that my bro used to play with..such as Lunar Silverstar Story, Lunar Enternal Blue, FF8, Psychic Force and etc~ i cant listed it down as it was so much games he used to play~ i  bet we do have our own favorites song in each each game we play..  here was a vid of me singing one song from the game lunar silverstar story~ enjoy ^^

Tuesday 16 August 2011

~Malay song~

chang2x~~ i wanna talk about malay song. For me, malay song is my identity as im come from Malaysia..i do like singing Malay song one of the singer that i do admired was Adibah Noor, Khadijah Ibrahim, Sharifah Aini, Dia Fadilla, Shanon Shah, Exits and more.. i like them because of the arrangement of the song and the way they present full of souls  moreover it is easy listening... Now our current music industry was hit by the korean pop wave..haha..everybody know Super Junior, 2PM, Wondergirls, After School and so on..this is a good way we want to improve our music quality but the sad part is some of the artist more likely declare themselves as the malaysian k-pop..this is like pity...i hope our music industry will be well known by its own identity..i know malay song can be popular.. here is some pic and vid that i would to share wiff u guys~ enjoice~ >.<

the Malaysian K-pop group aka wondergirls Malaysia
its sad tho... no identity T_T

this is a cover by me of Adibah Noor song..hehe the title is Ikan Di Laut Asam Di Darat

Thank You For Listening >.~

Sunday 14 August 2011

this is for my friend~ Gm Ironman english...sorry for the bad pronounciation
cover by me singing Everytime By Britney Spears

Me singing Yousei


                              sorry for the unclear sound and bad pronounciation
                                              >still learning japanese<

this is a cover by me singing Yousei one of the OSt in Macross Frontier..this song really beautiful~ originaly singing by Mayn.. do enjoy~

Thursday 11 August 2011

Sadness And Cheated

when i write this it mention at the title,,,yes,,hounto. sad. cheated here is i mean by cheated by..a few of my friends shared their sadness at me,,,one is being cheated from the one she love and the other is now in grief because of the death of their love one's.. it totally kinda make me awake from what i am now..we cant feel happy all the time..sometimes we must faced this type of emotion in our life,,thats what we call ourself human or mankind.. for this..there is a song that i want to share..i want to help them but i cant with what i least my singing will ease them up.. now im searching for a perfect song for this emotion..

Ill Sing It~! Minna do hear my song...

p/s it gotta takes some time >.< do wait,,

Tuesday 9 August 2011

the song that listen now~

Eternal Love from FFXIII by Sugawara Sayuri

Iteza Gogo Kuji from Macross Frontier by Mayn

maybe i will try to sing these song... hehe juz wait ya~!


Song..for me song is one of the way we express our feelings..some people cant tell through open mouth they tell through the lyrics and the arrangement of song..i do like gives us courage when we hear.. i hope i can make a song that will influence life of mankind..i will try singing now.. and for my blog i will upload voice video of me singing...till then bye! :D

Sunday 7 August 2011

iM baCK!!

haha.. blog oh blog...lama betul x tulis kat blog ni..ok lets get started.. dah masuk bulan ke-3 cuti...2 bulan sebelum ni duk keja...cari duit poket~yelah..klo da peluang keja kita keja la dpy gak ongkos wlaupun kena keja 12 jam...pengalaman wak2 keja mmg menarik...dpt jumpa pelbagai ragam customer,,ada yg cerewet ada yg main ok je la..ada yg dunno..yg dunno ni kita kena bantu working as a salesgirl for brooches well not only brooches at the kiosk we also sell bangles, earings, keychain, pins and paper clips not normal paper clips but diff kind of it...hehe ckp omputih masa custmer yg xtaw ckp bm or tourist yg dtg ke kiosk brooch ni..
hmm..sampai sini je la...wsslm

yeah...papan tanda kiosk...
well this kiosk located at Jusco S2